Untangling Your Messy Calendar

Keeping appointments and deadlines in a calendar is essential. Without one, unless you’ve got a fabulous memory (I don’t), things go bad quickly!

Unfortunately, many people still struggle with electronic calendar setup, something I see with clients every day. This is how it usually happens:

  • They have a job before they start their business, and they use a calendar associated with their personal email for their personal life. That makes perfect sense.
  • They start a business and decide to keep business and personal lives separate (just like when they had a job). So they get a new email account for work, something like [email protected] account. Now there are two calendars.
  • Then (sometimes), they get a “paid domain” email account (e.g., yourdomain.com ). Then they get a calendar with that and there are now three places to log into and three places to track.

I was one of these people until I decided it was time to consolidate everything in one place.

If there is resistance to this idea, it’s usually from people who want to keep their “work-life” and “personal life” separate. I understand, but, since there is only one you and only one place you can be at any one time, it makes more sense to keep everything in one place.

You can even have other people’s calendars show up (with their permission, of course). For example, I can toggle on and off some clients’ calendars. This way, we can schedule meetings more easily, reducing the confusion.

Sorting this out can take a little time, but I guarantee it’s worth the effort. Here’s how to start:

  1. Decide which calendar you’re going to use. Open the other calendars and transfer your appointments manually or hire someone to migrate them for you. Be sure to look a year ahead so you don’t miss any recurring events, like anniversaries and birthdays that might be months in the future.
  2. Make sure all calendar invites sent and received are done so using the email address tied to this calendar.
  3. Ask other calendar owners, like your children, significant others and select clients, to “share” their calendars with you. If you use Google Calendar click here for step-by-step instructions, click here if you use Outlook.
ALL Things – Pirate Ship

Time is valuable! Standing in line at the post office to mail a package can be frustrating. I have been using Pirate Ship for personal and business purposes and I LOVE IT.   

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Try Pirate Ship, I highly recommend them for all your shipping needs!

Learn more about Pirate Ship HERE

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You Can’t Do It All! How to Delegate Effectively

It seems that at least once each week I hear the same five words from friends and clients: “I need to delegate more.” And then, immediately afterward, they say, “But I don’t think there’s anybody who will understand my work, take it as seriously as I do, and do a really great job.”

As a result, nothing gets delegated and they are left doing everything for themselves.

The problem, I’ve discovered, is not a lack of capable and committed people willing to help. It’s that people simply don’t know how to delegate and are afraid to let go, even a little. So they assume there’s no way forward.

Here’s what I recommend to be on your way to becoming a delegation rock star:

1. Do your research. It’s important to know what skills are needed by the person you’re going to hire. Just like hiring an accountant to do your taxes, you’ll want to find someone with expertise. If you need to delegate setting up your newsletter, find someone with experience using MailChimp, Constant Contact or a similar program.

This may sound obvious, but I often hear solo professionals say they are thinking about hiring very smart friends, but I discover after a few questions, they don’t have any relevant experience. You wouldn’t hire a “very smart friend” who knew nothing about cars to act as your auto mechanic – delegation of your business needs works the same way; specific skills are required.

2. Take time to plan. You’ve got to give the person doing the work enough time to schedule it into their calendar and get it done. This requires planning ahead. When I get ready to write my newsletter, for example, I ask my editor on Sunday or Monday if she has time for edits on Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday morning. I don’t just assume and send it over to her. You need to be prepared, too, for the answer to be “no” or “not this week.”

3. Provide specific information. “Can you handle this?” is not enough information for the person you’re delegating to – even if it’s a simple and (in your mind) self-explanatory task. Include details, timelines, and any supporting information. For example: “I’m ready to publish my next newsletter. Attached is the Word document and the images I’d like to use. Can we schedule it for this Friday at 6:00 a.m.?” Be thorough: include deadlines and guidelines about how you’d like the work to be done.

4. Create check-in and control points. If you’ve delegated a project, schedule check-in points for milestones to make sure things stay on track. Sometimes there can be misunderstandings about the required tasks even when you both think you understand. Regular meetings will help with discovery and allow for adjustments.

5. Develop a communicative relationship. When you work with someone, you are in a relationship with them. I don’t mean you need to be BFFs, but simple things that work in your other relationships will work in this one too. A simple, “Thank you – great job,” or “How was your weekend?” will go a long way. Be sure to answer questions about the project quickly so that it can stay on track and on time. Your work together will require conversation – either written or verbal.

My guess is that 99% of the time the person assisting you wants to do a good job. If that’s not happening, check these five points to see where you two might be going off track.

Delegation is a powerful way to leverage your time and get help with areas of your business where you might not have expertise. Done well, it can be a big win for you and your business.

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